Monday, March 31, 2008

Am I the only one?

I got inspired when I read my friend Holly's blog, so here goes...

Am I the only one who...

* LOVES the rain... the sound of it on the window, the feel of it on my skin, the smell of the air after it...
* knows every word of every line in Anne of Green Gables and still cries everytime Matthew collapses in the field and holds my breath as Gilbert walks towards Anne at sunset...
* can't listen to "Just give me Jesus" without weeping.
* climbs into my kids bed once they're asleep just so I can smell their hair and kiss their ears...
* finds something about every single day that reminds me of my dearest friend..
* remembers that fluttery feeling in the belly when the boy you love looks at you...
* cranks "High School Musical" songs and dances around the house with her kids... haha!
* savors a great cup of tea, a moment of quiet and a lavender/vanilla candle glowing in the corner...
* can quote Shakespeare and get teary reading Sonnet 116...
* can get lost in worship for hours... playing the piano, singing, listening, basking in the presence of my God...

This was fun! I can't wait to read your comments and posts! :)


Shaun and Holly said...

"Intimate worship" is a passion of mine as well!!

I haven't been sewing much but I will try to get a few bags sewn up with that fabric that you like. Then I will show you some pics and you can see if you like....

Happy Spring to you!

Amy said...

I def. do some of these...not so much of the Shakespeare!!
Love your list!! I had the "climbing into bed" one too!

Roxanne said...

Great list.