Monday, March 5, 2007

21 days, huh?

My beast lives in the basement. He's a sneaky beast... the kind that makes you think you're in control but the minute your back is turned... WAPOW! I speak of my laundry room. I get it under control and I think "I don't need to do a load today!" So I leave it... three days later I have to use a tracking device to find the machines. How does this happen? Am I the only one this happens to? Laundry is my beast. Now, I will be the first to admit that there are SO many more beasts I could tackle but I'll be honest with you. I'm pretty spent in the "battle of the beast" department. I can only do so much... I'm only one woman and I can't be expected to enter every battle presented to me, but this is my 21 day reformation. This is the habit I want to confront right now. So, for the next 21 days (check out Cheryl's blog at I am going to commit to doing one load a day. This will defeat that beast. This will find my machines! I'm starting my 21 day cycle of change a little later than the other ladies, but I'm with you! It may seem like a small, insignificant task to you, Martha, but in all fairness, he's in my basement, not yours!

Isaiah 33:2

O LORD, be gracious to me (us);
I (we) long for you.
Be my (our) strength every morning,
my (our) salvation in time of distress.


Amy said...

Excellent Smithers!!!

I laundry may get caught up for a day, but God forbid I spend 2 days at work...what a nightmare!!
Good job with the reformation...your laundry room will thank you later!!


Anonymous said...

I understand you too Joy, and welcome you to the Reformation team.

Since my daughter Lindsay went into a group home, the amount of laundry that I do has dropped dramatically, and I am thorougly enjoying it after 17years of caring for her.

My laundry room is always somewhat messy. And for years now, my machine or something has been eating my socks, I always have a pile of unpaired missing socks. Grrrr!!!!!!!


Shaun and Holly said...

Hi Joy,
Much blessings to you as you tame your beast! ;o) You should post a picture of your laundry room!! Before and after

Shari said...

I was laughing as I read about your "beast"...laundry is NOT my first's my weakness!!

I don't really have an overwhelming amount to wash - I just avoid it. As of Jan 1/07 my kids all have to do their own laundry. This has lightened my work BUT I still avoid it. So obviously the issue isn't the amount of laundry - the issue is ME. Lord help me to also tame this "beast".

Welcome to the blogging'll discover we're all just a little bit "out there"..but it's a good place to be!

Happy Blogging