Friday, October 10, 2008


While the tone of my blogs has been rather morose of late, I'd like to take this opportunity to do a little reflection on the things I'm ever so grateful for....

I am a woman blessed. God saw fit to place me in a family, so rich in heritage; so steeped in His love... blessed me with a sister who ferociously loves and protects me; parents who show discipline, integrity, honor, respect and love. My extended family is a further blessing of rich characters who challenge me, encourage me, love me, and show me, in their own ways, just how remarkable God created them to be.
God is good.
God blessed me in marriage - to a man I didn't fully appreciate until he was gone. A man in whom I saw the potential to be such an instrument of God... and the father to my children.
Yes... children. My children are the blessings I have longed for... for as long as I can remember. They are my angels... gifts from God, who daily teach me things He wants me to learn. They open my eyes to see things I wouldn't be able to see on my own. They drive me to be better; to be more disciplined, more focused... they are my purpose and my desire is to be a mother that will show them God.
God is SO good.
The branches of my family tree reach to encompass the friends in my life. From a best friend who has known me through my teen years and continues to love me and enrich my life; a dear, sister-friend... one who has stood beside me, encouraged me, held me up, supported me, and without words, knows my heart... and a kindred spirit. A lovely friend I don't see as often as I'd like, but who is Diana to my Anne... the lovely, graceful, devoted, dark-haired beauty I look up to and admire.

So many things I am beyond thankful for. Thankful doesn't seem like enough.



"I thank my God every time I remember you."
Phil 1:3


Amy said...

I love you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for sharing.
Through your blog, a lot of people including me of course have a chance to read and learn

I have read some of your post and I really enjoyed reading it.
Thanks again and looking forward for more of your posting soon!

Roxanne said...

You ARE a blessed woman and WISE to recognize it!

Barbara said...

Okay....stifling a giggle right now. Anyhow...I have NOT been getting your emails, but thank you for visiting my blog. I MISS YOU TOO!!!!! and yes, the song on my blog is right where I'm at. I actually heard something from the Lord a year ago that I've been fighting against that she talks about in that song. About hiding in the shadows... Long story. Anyway, please tell me when I can see you....I want to know about the wailing during your singing you mentioned....sounds intriguing! love you.

Anonymous said...

Nicely done!

Unknown said...

Okay. . .this made me cry. You have such a way with words. . .if you don't eventually become a writer/author and publish stuff I will be most disappointed! :o) You have such a gift from God, never underestimate what He can do with your talents! I'll wait till you are finished school and then I'll start harping you about writing. :o) I love you. I am thankful for you! Strong in her weakness, generous to a fault, willing to walk a thousand miles for someone she loves, loyal, sensitive and sweet (just to name a few). xo